Monday, December 31, 2012

Hello, New Year!

It may be cliche, but on New Years Eve I am sitting here reminiscing. Most people I know seem to be ready to give 2012 the ol heave ho, apparently it wasn't a good year for them. For a few years I felt the same way. But this year I'm reflecting and know, it really wasn't a bad year. Not particularly spectacular, but not horrible. It had its ups and downs. But I'm going to focus on the ups for a second.

-On January 23rd I allowed the kids to outnumber the adults in our home. I had a completely perfect homebirth and joyfully welcomed Vlad into our family.

-Husband and I decided to take a leap of faith and have Husband focus full time on ministry.

-Rascal potty trained. Mostly.

-Diva Girl has started learning how to read. Yay literacy!

-Overall, the kids have made some amazing progress and have made us so proud.

-I went back to doing something that I love and discovering life beyond Autism Land.

Some pretty good highlights this year!
After looking back, I then look forward to the blank slate that is 2013. I usually don't really stretch myself on the resolutions. Typically, I resolve to do something that is pretty much inevitable. Last years resolution was "Give birth!" But this year I am going to push myself a bit. And I'm putting it on here so I can be held accountable!

-I will spend less time with my face in a screen. Between this computer, the tv, and my very addictive phone, I fear my children rarely see my face. Need to change that.

-I will become a Director with BeautiControl and earn a trip to New York City along the way! I'm particularly excited about this one. I also want to help one other wonderful woman earn a trip too! So let me know if you want to help me or go with me, this resolution isn't something I want to do on my own.

-I will cook more. Even if I don't like it.

-I will keep my friendships going strong. I've been reconnecting with people and I don't want to get so wrapped up in my own little life that I forget again how to be a good friend. Friendship is one of the most beautiful gifts that God gives us in life, I don't intend to waste that gift.

-I will date my husband. At least once a month, preferably twice. Gotta keep things interesting!

Ok, I think that's enough to keep me busy this year. Would love to hear your 2012 highlights and 2013 aspirations!

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