Monday, October 3, 2011

Yes, Again

I know, I know. I abandoned the blog yet again, only to return. Quite honestly, I needed a break from writing down all of my thoughts and emotions about my life. There was too much going on, too much that overwhelmed me. And the scary thing about writing these things down is that the very action tends to bring out emotions that may lay dormant. And I just wasn't ready to face that yet, I wasn't able to allow my writing to be cathartic when I was still in the thick of it all.

But I'm ready now.

The reader's digest version of what has happened since I last posted:
- We moved
- We're pregnant with a little boy, due January 2012
- Rascal was diagnosed with ASD

Yeah, see why I just wasn't dying to let out all of my feelings into the blogosphere?

Well, now I have plenty of issues to tackle, and I plan to begin...well, when I have a moment.