Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Forgive me?

I've been feeling rather unsocial lately. Not that I haven't been going out and having my usual mom's nights and whatnot. But I've just not been feeling like talking much about everything that's going on. Hence my blog hiatus. Just sitting here, trying to think of a way to sum up all that has been going on and all the emotions that go along with the events...ugh. Forget it.

So instead, I'm going to tell you about what I did this morning. I took Rascal to story time at the Main library in downtown Nashville. If you've never been there, the place is AH-mazing. Poor Rascal is fairly cooped up at home most days, thanks to my inability to take both kids anywhere by myself, so I'm trying to do some fun things with him while Diva Girl is at BCA in the mornings. So even though I was exhausted and not much feeling like going anywhere (especially unshowered and with a hammering headache), I sucked it up and took him out. When we got to the library and sat in the storytime theater, Rascal started kicking his legs with glee. We've only been one other time for about 5 minutes, but he obviously remembered it and was just brimming over with excitement! Sure enough, when it started he sat there with a big smile and eyes glued to the stage. Oh, then the music started...the music!! My little guy immediately got to his feet and started dancing away. Other moms and kids were looking over and smiling at his little booty dance, and I just felt so proud. Amazing what can bring on motherly pride...even just a little dance. I don't know, maybe it was just a moment of being so happy to have some time with him doing something so simple, so normal. Is it wrong of me to say that?

Of course, he was done with the whole thing way before it was over, he is only 15 months old after all! Then he ran around the hallways and I chased him and he charmed complete strangers just by flashing his 6 teeth at them. It was a boring morning, really. Uneventful. And I absolutely adored it.

I know that having Diva Girl as a sister will make him a better person. Someday, he will learn more from her than just the right way to bop someone on the head. She will make him more compassionate, more accepting, and more outspoken. But he will also grow up having to leave parties early, stay home more, and, let's face it...deal with less attention. So these moments, just the two of us, as so important. And God willing, I will never forget how important they are. So we're making this a weekly date. Just the two of us (and the puppets of course) in one of my favorite places in the world. Little man, I hope you know how much I love you.


  1. Hi Sabrina! As someone who grew up very much like Robbie will, I can tell you that you are right, having Gabriella as his sister will make him a stronger person. I'm not sure if you remember, but my sister Daniela has cerebral palsy. At times there were things I didn't understand, the stares from strangers, having to leave parties early, questions from other kids that just didn't know any better that I didn't know how to answer. I even went through stages where it was just easier not to invite friends over at all. It was hard, but I made it! My parents were always there for me unconditionally, and always made sure to make special time for just me, we always went to the beach just the three of us on Saturday. But most importantly, they also made sure to make time for each other. Once a year my mom and dad would make sure to go away somewhere together (even if it was just a weekend). No kids, no responsibility, just each other. Did I cry uncontrollably each time they left? Of course! But looking back I realize that without this time alone, they may not have made it to celebrate their 31st anniversary this year. Every child is put on earth for a reason. My mom used to be shy and reserved, a quiet lab technician that liked spending more time with germs than with people. When my sister was born, my mom was forced to come out of her reserved shell in order to stand up for my sister at school, with doctors, and in therapy. Without my sister, my mom would have never been inspired to join Parent to Parent of Miami, and because of Daniela, she has helped hundreds (maybe thousands) of families that have kids with disabilities throughout the past 20 years. Now she stands up for my sister and hundreds of other kids.

    Robbie will undoubtedly grow up facing some difficult life challenges and will learn many lessons. I'm sure there will be times as he gets older when he'll get frustrated and need to vent. But as you said, he will be more compassionate, more caring, and more accepting of others. Just keep being the great mom that you are, spend special time with your little man, and he will be just fine!



  2. Maritza, Thank you so much for your comment...boy did you get the waterworks going! Of course I remember your sister! I'm not sure you realize how much your house was a part of my life for a few years of my childhood...in fact, it was the first place I ever had mac n cheese, haha. I remember watching cartoons with you and Daniela and thinking that your van was awesome because it was so huge, it's amazing what can make an impression on a little kid. Knowing your sister made me a better person, she was the first person I ever really met and spent time around that had a disability. I've certainly never forgotten her and the lessons that you both taught me that I've only come to appreciate with age.

    I find it interesting that you brought up your parents going away once a year, as Nate and I have recently been urged to get away for a bit together. It's been on my mind, and hearing about your parents (congrats on 31 years!) makes me think that it should happen. I have no idea how, since we have only 2 pennies to rub together, but where there's a will, there's a way.

    If Robbie grows up to be as great a person as you are, I certainly wouldn't mind :) Thank you for the encouragement!

  3. Oh Sabrina, that is just beautiful. You should enjoy it and not feel guilty for the normalcy. You've been blessed with two great beautiful children. Each has their blessings, virtues and little problems, but hey, who doesn't. Love that you are spending time with him alone. That's important for him and for you. Lots of hugs!! Love, Danielle
