Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Doing what I can...

I can't seem to keep up with much of anything these days, least of all this blog. Here is the reader's digest version of the past few weeks:
-I got the flu
-Kids got the flu
-We got a minivan
-Eveyone got an icky virus
-Lots of school work

Sounds thrilling, eh? (Well, the new-to-us minivan actually is pretty thrilling!

But in the midst of all this, I have been focusing more and more on my girl and her bright future. In the past few weeks I've been taking strides to get more going on for her. I've stared down my own embarrassment and faced the fact that in order to get her help for her aggression, I'd have to ask for it. So I did.
And now I have found out that if I push, I can get her more speech and ABA therapy. So it's time for me to do the things I hate (getting on the phone, cutting through red tape, and so on an so forth) so that our lives can become even more that she can have the life she deserves. Well worth my time and effort.

Until we can get all that sorted out, I'm focusing on re-doing her bedroom. For months it has been home to an unused bed, many toys, boxes of diapers, and many other items that we just have no space for in the world's smallest apartment. I've spent the last few days organizing, purging, and creating a toy rotation. Tomorrow I plan on buying shelves and a kid's table and chairs, and completing what will be...her therapy room! I mean, she sleeps on the couch no matter what we do, so we may as well make her room useful for something.

It feels like things are really coming together for my girl. Now all I have to do is convince my hubby that the Ipad will help her as much as I think it will and figure out how to buy one without selling her brother....


  1. Can't wait to see the new van! And good for you for getting on the phone for your little girl.

  2. Thanks! You know, I'm sure that most people would not see the big deal about getting on the phone other than it just being a hassle...but I actually have had huge amounts of phone related anxiety. My very first panic attack as a teenager was over calling a doctor's office! Making these calls still sometimes requires giving myself little pep talks, but it's gotten much easier with time :)

  3. And I am, as always, amazed at what we will do (and try to overcome) for our kids. I would have a really hard time picking up the phone trying to get funding or services or whathaveyou for myself but when it comes to my boy I take a deep breath and just try to get it done! You can do it :)
