Thursday, December 30, 2010

Farewell 2010, You Were Good To Us...

On the eve of New Years Eve, I feel the need to take a stroll down Nostalgia Lane. Since I will be busy partying tomorrow evening (HA!), I figured that I should write this now, while I'm hopped up from the White Chocolate Mocha that I drank at 8:30 this evening. Let's begin at the beginning...

This time last year I was fat with child, and eagerly anticipating a much better year than the one before. The first big event, of course, was the birth of Rascal, which you can read all about here For those of you who want the Cliff Notes version- Went into labor, labor went rather quickly, and SURPRISE! there's suddenly a baby born on my living room floor. It was absolutely perfect and a story I will always enjoy telling for the rest of my life. And of course, meeting my adorable little man was a joy.

One sleep deprived month later, we welcomed another addition to our family...Diva Girl began attending BCA. I cannot tell you what a blessing BCA has been to us. After the devistation of a diagnosis of Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, we finally saw hope again. We needed help desparately, and up to that point all we could see was regression. But then we met this amazing team and they loved on us as a family and challenged Diva Girl...and we see Diva Girl coming back to us. She can communicate with us now and we've discovered ways to help her deal with the world around her. I've met other moms who understand what I'm going through, and now can't imagine my life without these ladies. They are my compatriots in the trenches with me, fighting the same battle I am and inspiring me all the way. I could go on and on about how beneficial BCA has been! Diva Girl's time there has been possible only through the love and donations of others.

Time moved on quickly, and the next thing I amazing, wise, and wonderful husband graduated from Trevecca Nazarene University. I think my heart nearly burst with pride that day. He worked long and hard for that degree, and overcame many obstacles. He is an inspiration to me! And of course, his walk across the stage led to the next major life event...

In the fall, I picked up the books again and became a full time college student. I have many days when I wonder why I'm doing it. But the answer is always clear: for my kids. In fact, I am getting my degree in Special Education. I have one semester under my belt now and feel rather confident that I will somehow make it through (and I have high hopes to graduate with honors!) Even contemplating getting a Master's, but of course I need to take it one step at a time.

So that about sums up life for the past year. Leaving out a bunch of little everyday miracles of life, of course. I hope this new year is filled with new adventures and the same old joys of parenthood. My resolution for 2011: Enjoy time with my kids more. I think it's one resolution that I won't give up on within a week.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful post and I congratulate you for the neew baby and your daughter starting the school. Sounds spectacular!!! Wishing you a wonderful new year and to embrace in all the small moments that accompany it!!!
