Friday, July 30, 2010

Try and Try Again

We all know the saying. "If at first you don't succeed..." But let's face it. Giving up sure does sound like the better option from time to time.

Diva Girl has been rather fearful of new places lately and that has made for some, um, interesting times out on the town. In other words, there is a whole lot of crying and screaming (mostly from her). And sometimes it seems like just keeping her home and only going out to familiar places is a pretty good plan. But then what? How suffocating would that be? And so out we go, and I push her out into the world. She is dragged, kicking and screaming, with me setting my jaw and telling her we are going to have fun if it kills us! I consider a new outing a success if she stops crying by the time we leave.

I'm not going to stop. If I don't push her, who will? As much as I hate those moments when we are out and she is laying on the floor screaming as though I am torturing her...I know those moments are stepping stones. I can step back and remind myself of how far she's come. And I remind myself that even the most normal of children have their own moments, their meltdowns. In fact, it has recently been brought to my attention that Diva Girl is excellent at eating out, something that was a huge issue only months ago! When a sweet older gentleman came to tell me that my children are well behaved, I may have literally glowed with pride. It didn't come easily, but what great accomplishment does?

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