Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Taking care of Mommy

There seems to be much more pressure nowadays to be and do everything as a mother. We're supposed to give our kids plenty of quality time and ensure they have opportunities for social interaction, help bring home the bacon (or help save plenty of bacon to afford staying home), cook like Betty Crocker, decorate like Martha Stewart, keep a clean home, and also carve out time to work on our marriages.

There is so much to keep up with. My calendar is riddled with doctors appointments, therapy appointments, and meetings. Volunteer commitments for church and school. But in the midst of these, there are pockets of time set aside for me. Mom's night out. Breakfast with friends. My "meetings" for ICAN and La Leche Leage that feel more like girl time talking about my favorite hobbies. I not only crave this time out of the house with grownups, but I need it.

Sometimes I feel guilty for the amount of time I get to spend on myself. But when I don't take these breaks, I quickly remember why I need them. I was born a social creature, and when I'm stuck in my tiny apartment with only my little loves for company, I go a bit stir crazy. A morning out with the ladies means a cheerful and productive afternoon, a mom with more patience and grace through the evening. When I have understanding friends to vent to, I don't let my frustrations out on my family. My mommy time keeps this family together.

So tomorrow I'll have breakfast with some wonderful friends. And Thursday evening, I'll go to mom's night out (my first real yoga session, double relaxation!). And you know what? I won't feel guilty about it.

After all, if mom's not happy...nobody's happy.

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