Friday, February 19, 2010

I'm Thinkin....I'm Thinkin....

I revived this old blog with the story of my precious son's birth, and I think I need to keep it going. I miss having a blog to write in, and I haven't written in one regularly since the days of xanga (oh, the memories). So, here we go again!

I'm surprised at how life has fallen into a new rhythm over the past ten days. I know that things will change as Rascal wakes up more and starts enjoying the world he's been born into, but I am currently loving these laid back days. Sure, sleep is a precious commodity, but that hasn't kept me from enjoying the wonder of having a newborn around again. In fact, as I write this, I keep glancing over at my sweet boy. He is asleep, with his hands curled up around his face. I can't help but wonder...who are you going to be, little boy? Will you be as high energy and precocious as your big sister? Or will you be calm and serious? I still joke about how Diva Girl wanted to come into the world feet first...kicking already! Will I soon joke about how you were always in a hurry, how you were an eager go-getter from the moment of your birth? I can't wait to get to know you, my sweet boy!

Diva Girl is growing more accustomed to his presence by the day. She gives him little smiles and glances. I think she may be gearing up to give him a kiss on the head...I have high hopes! She has definitely surprised me in how she's handled his arrival. It's taking a little longer than I anticipated for her to interact with him, but on the other hand she hasn't been aggressive towards him (I was so scared of that possibility!) I have the feeling that she will be very loving towards him once she gets more used to him. Who couldn't love him, right??

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