Thursday, November 6, 2008

the experiment

Last night was the first night in our new experiment...nightweaning! What is nightweaning, you ask? It is when you stop letting your kid wake you up in the night to have milk. Now that she's 21 months and my patience with it is a bit worn thin, the time has come. Of course, I have no idea how this is going to work...

She woke up last night and I swear she asked for milk in the most pitiful voice I'd ever heard. But I was strong and after an hour of drifting in and out of sleep, lots of whining, and one sippy cup of water (which was fetched by Daddy...he was not thrilled) she finally drifted off to sleep all on her own! Of course, she woke me up a few more hours later and I nursed her back to sleep. But hey, progress is progress, even if it's slow.

Today was Husband's birthday. I'm afraid I didn't do much. I stink.

1 comment:

  1. all that means is that we need to make the awesome. belated or not.
