Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Attack of the puppets!

We went to storytime today at the fabulous Nashville Main Library. And our time there would have also been fabulous if it weren't for one thing...

The puppets.

Apparently G is afraid of puppets. While the other kids were yelling "hello!" to Tommy Dog, G shook her head and snuggled closer to me. While the other kids shouted colors at Cedric the Dragon, G whispered "noooooo....." and clutched my arms. And then while the other kids giggled at the Wild Thing, G screamed and tried to burrow herself back into the womb.
Needless to say, we made a quick exit.

I feel like I've scarred her for life...she keeps looking at me with this serious face and saying "no puppets!" so I'm constantly reassuring her that mommy will not take her to see another puppet for the rest of her life. So while I'm feeling bad that storytime at the library isn't going to work out, I'm looking at the bright side- No Sesame Street! No Puppet/Muppet/Horrible Disney characters on Ice! No Lambchop show with the Song That Doesn't End! Wait, that show was from when I was a kid. Whatever, at least I won't have to pretend I like puppets either...ever since I was in a puppet show and a kid bit my hand, I just get the heebie jeebies.

1 comment:

  1. sesame street is the devil.

    i can't believe a kid bit your hand! what a meanie.
