Saturday, September 22, 2012

Ok, You Got Me!

After my previous post, where I discussed how I'm NOT "doing it all", a few friends insisted that I am still doing a heck of a lot. And they still want to know how. So, here is my guide to at least looking like you are doing it all!

-Coffee. Lots of it. The sugary kind. I admit that I am one of those fancy drink kind of girls. Give me a White Chocolate Mocha or a Pumpkin Pie Latte! Not only does the sugar help the coffee taste yummy, but it gives me that extra buzz that I need to get through the morning. Falling asleep on the long drive to the doctor's office for the third time in a week? I just keep slapping myself in the face until I reach the starbuck's drive thru, then I'm all good! (My birthday is October case you want to buy me a gift cards)

-Smartphone. This thing is my brain. It is my sanity. It has my calendar, to help me set up the various doctor and therapy appointments. It has the gps, to help me find the various offices where I take the children to doctors and therapists. It has facebook and kindle, to keep me sane in the waiting rooms at the aforementioned offices. Really, don't know that I could manage without it.

-Disney Movies. Glorious little child pleasers!!! I would get nothing done, NOTHING, without some good old tv time for the kids. Go ahead, gasp and clutch your pearls. But there is nothing like putting in that movie, hearing that glorious music, and knowing that I might just have them happy for long enough to take a shower in peace. Which leads right into....

-Showers. Daily. I don't care how crazy things get, I am getting my shower. Sometimes I take one with the knowledge that a little person is going to completely wreck a room while I'm gone. Worth it. Showering makes me feel human. It wakes me up in the morning but relaxes me at the same time. I hear so many women complain that they don't have time to shower....if it is a priority to you, make time. Just do it. the baby can cry for 5 minutes, he will not be forever damaged. The children can be in a safe room by themselves. And, for you married ladies, the husband can hold down the fort for long enough for you to shower and even put some makeup on if you want to. Showering is just non-optional to me.

-Husband. I'm so very blessed in this department. Mine is pretty top-of-the-line. He is hands on with the kids and supportive of me. He makes me laugh when I'm about to go off the deep end and he reminds me to put one foot in front of the other on days when I just feel like breaking down. I really, really recommend having a good one if you can find one.

-Respite. I don't get nearly enough of this, I feel. But still, I know I get more than some. Whether it be a babysitter so I can get a date with that hot husband of mine or a neighbor taking the older two so I can have 2 hours of semi sanity, having a break is so very important to me. As time goes on and I realize more and more how much I need help, I am seeking out more respite care. The weekends when my parents take Diva Girl and Rascal are awesome for all of us!! The kids are always thrilled to be with someone other than boring old mom and I am thrilled to have time to either be productive or rest.

-God. There is only so much that a human can take without breaking. I break, far more often than I like to admit, and He is always there to put me back together. I just couldn't do it all without my God and my church family. Period.

-Smile. Nothing convinces other people that you are still sane and doing well like a smile. A sense of humor and a positive attitude goes a long way. I've got the humor but I'm working on the attitude.

So, in summary....the next time the dishes are piled high, the calendar is overbooked, and the children are climbing the wall, all you have to do is take a shower, send the kids to the neighbors, grab some coffee, say a prayer, and smile. Then everyone will at least think you have it under control!

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