His birth. Always a fun story to tell. Short version- contractions, then water broke, then a whole lot of contractions, then I laid down on my living room floor and gave birth. Meant to go to the hospital, whoops! I like to think that God knew I wanted a homebirth and He made sure I got it.

The first month of his life was a bit hectic. It took a while for all of us to get used to being a family of four. But I remember one day it was like we just woke up and it seemed like he had always been around, I couldn't imagine a day without him. And he was just the most perfect little baby...slept well and ate well and was just as happy as could be. I could hardly believe our luck!

And he grew...

I feel like I blinked and he went from being a baby to being a walking, talking (trying, at least!) toddler. He's my Rascal, my Little Man, my Monkey, my Buddy. But first he was, and forever will be, my Baby Boy.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Robbie!
ReplyDeleteand he is looking more and more like his beautiful big sister. What wonderful children you have. Happy Birthday Robbie!