Friday, August 6, 2010

He still loves me!

It's been five years since I vowed to be his wife for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, for as long as we both shall live. And I think we've done our best to test out those vows in these five years. And as I held his hand tonight, a part of me is still in awe that he chose me. That he loves me. That we are still holding hands, through it all.

When we came back from our honeymoon and landed in reality, with no jobs and plenty of school left, he held my hand and told me we would find a way.

When I broke down and quit school and felt like a failure, he held my hand and made me smile again.

When I saw those two pink lines and wasn't sure if I should laugh or cry, he held my hand and let me know how excited he was...and I knew he was going to be an amazing father to our little one.

When we had to swallow our pride to provide a home for our baby, he held my hand and reassured me that we were doing the right thing.

When it felt like we had nothing, he held my hand and I knew we had what was important.

When he told me he was going back to school, he held my hand and gave me hope.

When we lost our babies, he held my hand and grieved with me.

When Diva Girl began to slip away and we began the journey of autism, he held my hand and cried with me. And then he helped me have the strength to be the mother she needs me to be.

When I gave birth to our son in the most unexpected of circumstances, he held my hand and was my rock.

When he graduated and made me the proudest woman alive, he held my hand and told me it was my turn.

So here we are. Five years of challenges faced, joys shared, and love grown. I love him today with a depth that I could not truly imagine on the day I said "I do". And I pray that he will hold my hand through all of the adventures that life has yet to bring us. Let's rise to the occasion together!

1 comment:

  1. Sabrina you have such a gift with words! Beautiful sentiment and so true - you and Nate were designed by God to be together and support one another and you are an inspiration.
