Sunday, July 4, 2010

A letter to the "normal"

There are things that I wish everyone knew.

I get a lot of questions. A lot of questions with a lot of significant looks and pitying voices. Some days, this can drive me crazy, and that is how i find myself writing this today. So this is my letter to you, imaginary reader of my blog!

First, I want you to know that, yes, it is hard. Life is hard for many people, whether or not they have a special needs child. But yes, her special needs add a certain amount of complexity to motherhood. I have had to adjust to a new normal. My days are spent teaching my child the things that other children seem to learn through osmosis, it comes as easily to them as breathing! I teach her to point, to look at me, to answer to her name. She has days when I can't get through to her world and we clash against each other, each frustrated that the other doesn't seem to understand. Yes, it is hard.


We are HAPPY! Our messy home is filled with laughter and silliness! And she is also constantly teaching me...about loving with abandon, trusting without fear, and living without judgement. I don't cry in bed every night. My child is alive and healthy! Her future is bright and her present is a gift beyond measure.

I have two beautiful, intelligent, happy children. I could use your prayers, but please don't pity me. I am blessed in ways that I never imagined were possible!

1 comment:

  1. Well-written, Sabrina! Thank you for sharing.
