Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Really Kid?

Diva Girl really had some amazing moments in the past week. The more she grows, the more she entertains us!

Hilarious moment #1:
It was about one in the morning and she would not go to sleep. Yeah, doesn't exactly seem like the setting for a hilarious moment (more like a setting for mommy to go crazy). Then, out of nowhere, she starts to giggle. And the giggles start to turn into chuckles, and the chuckles to all out laughter. Wild, crazy laughter! She is shrieking and throwing herself all over as though invisible hands are tickling her. Husband and I are shrugging at one another, completely at a loss as to why she is cracking up. Her laughter gets more and more out of control and then I just can't help it- I crack up too! So there we are, both laughing till we cry, at one in the morning. It was amazing. Eventually, we had to shush her until she calmed back down and she fell asleep soon after. We figure she must have just been delirious from lack of sleep, but I have never heard her laugh so hard or for so long before.

Hilarious moment #2:
She's sitting in Husband's lap watching football (ewww, football!) and she keeps yelling "Ready, set, GO!". I am completely confused until he tells me that she's been saying that the whole game. Everytime the guys line themselves up for the play, she yells "Ready, set, GO!" because that's just what you yell before people run! Awesome.

Hilarious moment #3:
Husband changes the channel to Sports Center (ewww, more football!) and Diva Girl jumps up and runs to the tv. As the updates scroll across the bottom of the screen, she points her finger at the words and follows them across the screen. That was pretty cute. But then the scrolling stops so the scores for the games can pop up and Miss Diva Girl is not happy! She furiously points to the scores and tells it "NO!" until the scrolling starts again. Husband and I crack up.

These are the moments worth remembering. I love that kid!

1 comment:

  1. hahaha ... i especially love the last two. i suddenly have a strong desire to watch football.
