There are the subtle forms of communication, often shared best between those in love. The arched eyebrow that says "I can't believe you said that". The squeeze of the hand that says "I love you" or "I'm here" or "I'm ready to go, can you please stop talking to this guy and start heading to the car?" And of course there is the meaningful glance that says "I'll meet you in the bedroom..."
There are the more obvious forms of non-verbal communication. A high five says "yes!" and a laugh says "I think you're hilarious!" The head shake says "no" and the kiss says "I love you."
Then there is the gift of spoken words. The ability to tell someone what you need, what you want, what you're thinking. Unless you're one of those girls who says "I'm fine" when you're really not and then clamp up and refuse to say what you're thinking even though the poor guy has no idea what on earth he's done to mortally offend.
I digress.
We tend to take these things for granted. Sometimes I look at my kids and wonder what it feels like to struggle to communicate on every level. What does it feel like to want a drink and not being able to say that you want juice instead of milk? How scary is it to be in pain and not be able to tell anyone what hurts? How frustrating is it to be handed the wrong thing over and over again?
No wonder my kids are so emotional.
But when they break through the barriers and can clearly tell me something, whether it be by words or pictures or signs, it is just the most amazing thing to behold. You can see this sense of POWER radiating through them. Communication is such a powerful and beautiful thing. Spend any time with a child with autism and you will learn this.
Today Diva Girl bounced into our bedroom and onto our bed, where Husband was under the covers. He asked her what she wanted and apparently the answer was something like "Popcorn!" After that? She asked for a popsicle and Lion King. She got all three. Now that is a little girl who is discovering the power of communication! Then later in the day Rascal handed me his empty sippy cup. I know what that means...he wants something to drink. Usually, I just choose a drink for him. But today, I held out his new laminated that gave him a choice. He slapped the picture for milk, looked at my face with a huge grin on his own, and started jumping up and down while doing his happy flappy dance. Now that is a little boy who is discovering the power of communication!
It's amazing. The only other time I feel so close to and amazed by my kids is when they are peacefully asleep. But that's a whole other story....
Beautiful! |