Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Forgive me?

I've been feeling rather unsocial lately. Not that I haven't been going out and having my usual mom's nights and whatnot. But I've just not been feeling like talking much about everything that's going on. Hence my blog hiatus. Just sitting here, trying to think of a way to sum up all that has been going on and all the emotions that go along with the events...ugh. Forget it.

So instead, I'm going to tell you about what I did this morning. I took Rascal to story time at the Main library in downtown Nashville. If you've never been there, the place is AH-mazing. Poor Rascal is fairly cooped up at home most days, thanks to my inability to take both kids anywhere by myself, so I'm trying to do some fun things with him while Diva Girl is at BCA in the mornings. So even though I was exhausted and not much feeling like going anywhere (especially unshowered and with a hammering headache), I sucked it up and took him out. When we got to the library and sat in the storytime theater, Rascal started kicking his legs with glee. We've only been one other time for about 5 minutes, but he obviously remembered it and was just brimming over with excitement! Sure enough, when it started he sat there with a big smile and eyes glued to the stage. Oh, then the music started...the music!! My little guy immediately got to his feet and started dancing away. Other moms and kids were looking over and smiling at his little booty dance, and I just felt so proud. Amazing what can bring on motherly pride...even just a little dance. I don't know, maybe it was just a moment of being so happy to have some time with him doing something so simple, so normal. Is it wrong of me to say that?

Of course, he was done with the whole thing way before it was over, he is only 15 months old after all! Then he ran around the hallways and I chased him and he charmed complete strangers just by flashing his 6 teeth at them. It was a boring morning, really. Uneventful. And I absolutely adored it.

I know that having Diva Girl as a sister will make him a better person. Someday, he will learn more from her than just the right way to bop someone on the head. She will make him more compassionate, more accepting, and more outspoken. But he will also grow up having to leave parties early, stay home more, and, let's face it...deal with less attention. So these moments, just the two of us, as so important. And God willing, I will never forget how important they are. So we're making this a weekly date. Just the two of us (and the puppets of course) in one of my favorite places in the world. Little man, I hope you know how much I love you.