Thursday, October 30, 2008

a decision

So I guess I'm going to write in this thing....and here we go.

I've decided to be as close to real as I possibly can be. Having gone back to revisit my early xanga days, I'm just plain embarrassed by my blogging past. I tried to be what I thought was intelligent and cool at the time and I ended up sounding like I was trying too hard to be intelligent and cool. Lesson learned. I will attempt to be the "real me" and if that ends up being boring, you have my permission to stop reading.

I'm currently reading The Parent's Guide to Food Allergies, and it's a much better read than the name suggests. Although I'm only a couple of chapters in, I'm already understanding this whole food allergy thing a lot more. That's not to say that it's really helping me to stay calm. In fact, I've already learned a few things today:
  • G is a prime candidate to have an anaphylaxic reaction!
  • I'm a crappy mom for not having an Epipen!
  • China and Japan have higher rates of rice allergy!
Ok, so the last one is just an "I told you so" for all the people who have insisted that I should stop worrying about G eating too much rice because people in China eat it every day and are just fine.

My kid is specialer than your kid, so there.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

my fear of blogging

Basically, I worry to much about what other people think to do this whole blogging thing. Yet here I am, writing to no one so far, because my roommates showed me a cute blog layout. Yay for peer pressure!

I never know how to write in these things. One day I'm an angsty teenager, the next I'm Mrs. Mom. I guess that's the reality of being a 23 year old wife and mother. Enjoy the show, maybe I'll actually write in this.